Overview // Concepts
The following concepts are used within Timestamp:
Account: A customer of Timestamp. Has a unique name (e.g. redsequence) which is used to create a unique URL:
Example: https://redsequence.ontimestamp.com
Allows settings to be uniquely specified. Has at least one User who is the Owner.
User: Belongs to an Account. Has a unique email address (e.g. user1@redsequence.com), and an optional reference per Account. Can be a give Project roles.
Client: Belongs to an Account (i.e. the customer of an Account). Has a unique name per Account (e.g. Client 1).
Project: Belongs to a Client. Has a unique name per Client (e.g. Project 1) and optionally a code, which is unique per Account (e.g. PROJ1).
Task: Belongs to a Project. Has a unique name per Project (e.g. Task 1).
Time Entry: An record of time logged against a Task by a User.
Expense: An record of an out-of-pocket expense logged against a Project by a User.