Real-time project dashboards

One click project tracking that you can act upon, and your clients will love.

Project insights
Time highlights at a glance Real-time activity stream Quick-glance budget check Immediate profit check


For your company to thrive, for it to be profitable and sustainable, you need to know whether you are turning a profit or making a loss.

The quick-glance profitability breakdown shows you the key numbers for your project, taking away the tedious and long-winded calculations you once had to do in Excel.


Time highlights

Quickly... how many hours have you booked for a project that you can actually bill? Chances are you do not know the answer, and to answer the question you need to open Excel spreadsheet and do lots of manual calculations.

Time highlights gives you the immediate answer to these questions and more.

Time highligts

Activity stream

Do you know what your team are doing on a daily basis for a project? What tasks are they working on? What expenses are being added for a project?

The activity stream allows you to see, live and at a glance, what is happening now for all your projects.

Activity stream